Tuesday, 20 August 2013


Friendship, a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people. Friendship is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an association.

Loyalty, faithfulness or a devotion to a person, country, group, or cause.

Influence, the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others.

The past year has opened my eyes to a lot regarding friendship, loyalty and overall influence.

I would like to think I am a good friend, we all have faults and little things we lack, but I have always tried to do my best.

I went through a heavy friendship “break-up” last year; it was painful and affected me for a long time. She was extremely special to me and we were friends for a very long time. We shared a lot of special stories, some private and others were how we would embarrass ourselves without even trying.

If I think about my teenage years and even as I became an adult, she was always there and her family carried me through difficult times and struggles. I spent every weekend and holiday with her, and we grew to be part of one another…we learnt each other so well that I could look at her and she would know what I was saying without words.

Her mother, a very strong, opinionated lady who wore perfume that stuck to you for days… she taught me how to cook a few things, how to use a knife and fork, and she bought me things whenever I was in need. She became like a mom to me, someone I could trust.

It’s unfortunate that things change, people change and sometimes… you just grow apart.

Although I loved her very much, she was very different to me. We lived VERY different lives, had very different jobs and responsibilities.
If I were to go back a year or two back, I don’t think I would do things differently; I do think I would be more honest though and voice my opinion in the times when I was too scared to speak.

Life does go on; I have had to learn that the hard way.

Friendships/ friends have the power to influence and change your behavior, even if you don’t want them to. “You are who you hang out with”- you become like the people you associate with.
My dad has a saying: “Like likes like.”

You are more likely to do something crazy, different and wild with a friend than by yourself… As a girl, there is no one’s opinion you want more than your best friends, from clothes to guys and the occasional rant.
I know I would have told my friend a lot more than I would have told my mother.

I don’t think a friendship is about excessive amounts of PDA, or who can out do who. Sometimes all you need is an ear to listen and a hand to hold.

Not everyone is made, designed for long term friendship. It’s not easy to be faithful and loyal to someone even when they aren’t to you.

I find it very hard to trust without question, it’s one of the traits my boyfriend really doesn’t like… I ask too many questions.

I have taken the last year to get over all my friendship issues and focus on ME… I haven’t made time to make new friends and I have become very attached to my boyfriend.

Only recently have I decided to ‘stick my neck out’ and try and be open to something new. I have only made one new friend, but that’s fine. I have never been one for a huge group of friends.

There is still a lot of time for friends and relationships; someday I will feel content with where I am.

For now, I will just continue to work at being open to new possibilities.

Friday, 16 August 2013

Eating what?

Three posts in one day, lets not get too excited.
I started back on the eating plan 29 July.

Three weeks of detox (no carbs, NONE, NILL, ZERO)
And the remaining weeks I get to add 10g carbs a week.

Its been strangely easier than I thought it would be, although the lack of carbs has made me an easy target for sickness (read below post).

I am both excited and DREADING Monday's weigh-in.
Excited because the moment I leave I can have an apple or something CARB-Y.

Dreading, well I have to weigh in after being on my own for 2 weeks...GREAT... I have a feeling this time the loss is hectically slow.

The first time I did this plan I lost 6kg in the first 3 weeks... and I have only lost 2.2kg in the first week this time... I was super disappointed. 

BUT this time, I really need to push through and do this, there is nothing better than feeling your clothes slowly becoming to big to fit the same.
AND because I love to buy clothes ALL THE TIME, this is the best excuse.

I haven't been able to exercise properly for 2 weeks without coughing and wheezing... so hopefully this bronchitis gets the message and buggers off soon.

I will try and keep things as updated as possible, and record my progress as I go.

August, My friend

So, Its been quite a while since I last post anything read-able.
It's been a busy, rushed and tiring month for me... today is my first day back from sick leave.
I was booked off for 3 days with Bronchitis, Sinusitis and Flu... FUN!!!!

Being who I am, I obviously didn't sleep much, I must have got 5 hours sleep a night AND then I kept myself so busy during the day that I didn't even think about taking a nap.

OH WELL..at least it is Friday!

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